Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Citizen Science Community Service Project Opportunity: ASB (alfalfa snout beetle) Control

The ASB (alfalfa snout beetle) researchers are looking for MG's and 4-Hers to raise beneficial nematodes for ASB control. It's pretty easy and only take a couple of weeks. The main drawback is it STINKS after just a few days. The only confirmed infestation in our county is in the Peru area but they're expecting it to spread (and suspect it's much more widespread in our county than we think).

Amy Ivy is currently working on the logistics. The main cost is in buying the wax moth larvae on which the nematodes feed and reproduce. They apply the wax in the early fall, and since it only takes 2-3 weeks, we wouldn't have to start til late summer at the earliest.

It would be a good community service project, and give the 4-Hers hands-on experience using bio-control, and address a very serious and local issue. In Jefferson County the beetle is very widespread and it's also in almost all the ag land in Essex Co.

Here's info on the pest in general:

More information will be forthcoming. Please contact the Extension Office if you are interested.

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