Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cooking Up Change - National Healthy Cooking Contest

Healthy Schools Campaign and the National Farm to School Network challenge students to a national competition to design a healthy school lunch. Using only ingredients commonly available for food service, the mission is to create a healthy meal that includes a locally grown item, meets strict nutritional guidelines, and tastes great. Three teams of students from each division (high school and college) will be selected to receive an all-expenses paid trip to Taking Root, the National Farm to Cafeteria conference this May in Detroit, Michigan to compete in the finals. In the final round, each team will prepare their meal and serve to a panel of prestigious judges. The winning team will head home with a trophy and other fabulous prizes. We are thrilled to welcome Karen Duncan, wife of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, and Christie Vilsack, wife of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, as National Honorary Co-Chairs of Cooking up Change.
Submit recipes online by March 26, 2010. For contest guidelines and information, visit www.cookingupchange.org.

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