Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cornell University Presents Animal Crackers 2010 Healthy Herds

By Janet Pfromm, Agriculture Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension Chenango County

The Cornell University Department of Animal Science is pleased to announce Animal Crackers 2010 "Healthy Herds" on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at Cornell University. The up-coming program will incorporate both dairy and livestock (sheep and beef) topics for youth ages 9-12 or those with a beginners/intermediate knowledge of the species. All youth, 4-H and non-4-H, are invited to participate. Adult chaperones are also invited to attend to make Healthy Herds a family event!

Interesting, educational, hands-on activities are being planned to make Healthy Herds a memorable teaching event. Participants will have the opportunity to learn cattle or sheep care, biology, or management while having fun. There will also be sessions on exploring animal science careers, learning games, and much, much more!

Beginner and Intermediate 4-H members in the livestock area will learn:
· How Good’s the Meat? Learn more about where meat cuts come from and what makes good carcass quality in this ultrasounding workshop.
· Making the Most of Meat. Do you know how to manage your animals to grow and sell the best in meat? This meat quality assurance workshop will incorporate best management practices into animal raising.
· Healthy Hide and Hair. Find out about a lot of safe, low-cost, easy-to-find household items that you can use to put extra sparkle on your show animal!
· Cutting It Up. Anyway you cut it up meat tastes great! Learn how those different cuts are made and how to identify them in the meat aisle.
· Plus workshops on veterinary care, healthy hooves, and manure!

Those interested in beginning dairy topics will learn about:
· Holey Holsteins. Here’s your chance to feel a rumen in motion as you stick your arm into a fistulated cow! Learn more about how the most efficient “green machine” works.
· Fixing Feet. Think a hoof trimmer’s job is easy? Learn what it takes to fix those feet, from trimming to wrapping to blocking and everything in between!
· Got Good Milk? Learn what it takes to make Super Milk and prevent mastitis from udder to bulk tank. Guaranteed to be a udderly good time!
· Managing Manure. Manure is more than you think, it can tell you if a cow is healthy, add nutrients to soil and so much more!
· Mmm…Milk. How many yummy things is nature’s perfect food turned into? How good are those foods for you? Challenge your taste buds and find out!
· My Space, Your Space. Having a healthy herd is also about healthy relationships with your community. Challenge yourself by trying to set up your farm and learn how your neighbors may affect your decisions.

Group activities are planned for both lunch and closing. How infectious can you be? Find out as everyone tries to outwit germs in the “Got Immunity” game with Eileen McGuire. Closing the program, adults and youth will break into groups to solve a herd health mystery, CSI-style! Kathy Finnerty, NYSCHAP, will moderate and help you to put all of the clues and answers together.

Cost of the program will be $5 for youth and adult chaperones and everyone is asked to bring their own lunches or visit the Cornell Dairy Store. Registration for the event will be done through your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Office and must be completed no later than March 29, 2010. All groups must have at least one chaperone per species tract. More information can be found on the Animal Crackers website. Mark your calendars for one the most exciting animal science programs of 2010!

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