Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Creative Critters December Club News

Club officer election results:
~President – Alexander Trombley
~Vice President – Jacob Balko
~Photographer – Hannah Duprey
~Secretary – Samantha Balko
~Song Leader – Allie Gifford

Alexander took his new role as President and opened the meeting. Jacob also took his role and lead us through the pledges.

Alexa, the 4H Educator was our guest speaker this evening. She talked to us about record book keeping and about the different types of records. She informed us about the requirements for each 4H division (Cloverbud, Jr. and Sr.). A guideline was handed out. One thing that needs to be added to our current books is a “goals” section. The Jr. and Sr. level needs to include a project story after each project section and it needs to discuss whether or not the set goals were accomplished.

Alexa was also gracious enough to discuss the new opportunity for public presentations for the Jr. and Sr. speakers. We agree that it is a wonderful opportunity to have the chance to make it to State Fair!

We voted that our next community service will be the Big Change Roundup. We opted not to attempt a January community service.

Everyone was reminded that public presentations will be in February and that the paperwork will be available at the next club meeting. All members were advised to begin thinking about the topic they would like to discuss.

Project records were updated and discussed.

Leadership opportunities:
Samantha taught us our lesson about how to make coiled pottery.
Alexander taught us how to make a Jar Snowman.Thank you to Jacob for providing delicious brownies for snack at the meeting!

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