Friday, February 12, 2010

Creative Critters February Club News

The Creative Critters held their monthly meeting on 2/5/10.
Alexander opened our meeting.
Jacob lead us through our pledges.
Samantha took attendance.
Allie lead us through our 4H song.
~Samantha has agreed to try her hand at submitting our club report to the 4H office for it's entry into the Clover Express. She will also be assisting with the teaching of the next project at our March meeting.
~Everyone was reminded that public presentations are on 2/27 at Clinton Community College. We will be having a club rehearsal on 2/19 for anyone that is interested in practicing their presentation with the group. This also gives us an opportunity to hear everyone's presentations prior to the big day.
~We made 10 birthday cards for the residents of Evergreen Valley Nursing Home.
~We voted on the unit to follow our cooking unit. The vote was in favor of goats.
~Each member was reminded that they must earn 1 point per species to show their animal at fair this year.

Community Service:
Our bake sale held on 1/31 for Hannah's Hope raised $220.50.
Interest was expressed to once again help out at the Humane Society. I will contact them to inquire on one Saturday a month for anyone interested in participating.
Big Change Roundup - All money due 3/13/10, however, we will roll and count our change at our meeting on 3/5.

We each made a Spanish painted glass.
The remainder of unfinished coiled pottery was completed.

Respectfully submitted by Carrie- Club Leader

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