Wednesday, February 10, 2010

March Dog Madness

March Dog Madness (MDM), an annual NYS 4-H Dog Leader Training Program, will be held on Saturday, March 20, 2010 at Cornell. Please share the news!

Registration forms will be downloadable from the department of Animal Science website

Click on Extension/4-H Youth Programs, then click on Dogs – OR- go straight to the events calendar link. You will see March Dog Madness there.

The theme in 2010 is CANINE-GLOBAL IMPACT! Come learn, practice skills and contribute to the global impact. We’re STILL GREEN, so remember to bring your own travel mug, pen/pencil and reusable bag to bring home goodies. In addition, network and take home more teaching tools than you ever imagined! 4-H teens and adult leaders throughout New York State will increase their knowledge about turning a passion for dogs into a life-long learning experience.

Each participant will have a chance to pre-select (2) different workshops from a menu of topics. Dr. Janet Scarlett, Director of the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University’s Veterinary School and Ms. Kelley Bollen, Animal Behaviorist Consultant, will address current services available at Cornell’s Companion Animal Hospital.

This annual conference is an opportunity to bring adult and teen volunteers together with community experts to increase knowledge and awareness of the value of science based information on local CCE/4-H dog training programs. Instructors include university, extension and industry representatives.

Workshop menu topics include: (Working with Shy and Timid Dogs, Drill Teams – How to Organize One, Canine Conditioning and Sport Injury Prevention, Reading Dog Body Language, How to Conduct a Canine Good Citizens Test, A Model Canine Life Skills Course, Youth Development in the 4-H Dog Program along with Teaching Agility Skills and What is Flyball?)

Everyone will have an opportunity to ask questions during the keynote presentation with Vet School professionals and our closing panel of Breed Rescue representatives.

Registrations are due March 12. Space is limited to the first 100 people who register. $15/person covers workshop materials and lunch. Pre-registrations must be received with payment or a commitment to charge a county account must be specified. Each concurrent workshop is limited to 20 participants.

Agenda items for the spring NYS 4-H Dog advisory committee meeting (immediately following MDM) are also required in writing by March 12th. Please send those to Dana Palmer or Advisory Committee Chair, Kathi Chambliss

Need directions to Ithaca? Go to for area travel and tourism information.
Need a Cornell Campus Map? Got to:

Brief MDM Schedule
9:15am – Check-in Lobby of Morrison Hall
9:45am – Opening Remarks
10:00am – Session 1 (5 concurrent workshops) – see registration form for topic choices.
11:00am – General Session with Dr. Janet Scarlett and/or Ms. Kelley Bollen of Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program
11:45am – Session 2 (5 concurrent workshops) – see registration form for topic choices.
12:45pm – Lunch – Mix and mingle, share impact stories
1:30pm – Resource Room/Lending Library Open
2:00pm - Closing Rescue Panel with Greyhound Network, Genesee Region Newfoundland Rescue, Tompkins SPCA and Hum Hollow Hospice
3:00pm – Evaluation & Pick Up Treats
NYS 4-H Dog Spring Advisory Committee Meeting Immediately following MDM
4:30 Head for Home

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