Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New York Ayrshire Club Calf Scholarship

The purpose of the Calf Scholarship Award Program is to select a youth who is worthy of the award and to provide money that can be used to help purchase a Registered Ayrshire Calf at a public auction. The program offers the opportunity to a youth who has demonstrated the interest and ability to develop the calf to her fullest potential and who will also grow through this project.

Applicants for this award must meet the following specifications:

Age limit ~ 8-15 years of age as of January 1st of the current year.

Ownership ~ the youth member cannot own more than 2 Registered Ayrshire or 2 registered animals of another breed.

Housing Facilities ~ youth must have adequate facilities and supervision to raise a calf in New York State.

Junior Ayrshire Membership~ Applicants must be or must be willing to join the New York and National Junior Ayrshire Club. Applicant must be a resident of New York State.

Farm Visits ~ youth must welcome periodic farm visits.

Show Calf ~ Winner must be willing to show the calf at appropriate shows.

Applications must be postmarked by the deadline of March 15 2010.
The scholarship will be announced prior to the New York Spring Carousel Sale.
Assistance will be available in selecting the calf if needed.

Contact the Extension Office for application materials.

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