Wednesday, February 10, 2010

STARR 2010

When: April 16-18
Where: The Youth Building, New York State Fair Grounds, Syracuse
Who: Teens age 13-19 and their chaperones who are interested in meeting other teens from across New York and are interested in improving their leadership skills, learning more about youth community action, and bringing it back home.
How much: The cost of this year's STARR is $75 which includes lodging, meals, workshop supplies, and more.
Registration: A registration packet will be available as of March 1.

Workshops will have a cap on how many can participate, once that workshop has reached it's maximum it will be closed and no longer available.

More information to follow soon, please check the website.

This year is going to be really exciting, the STARR Planning Committee are putting together some great workshops and have come up with some really neat ideas that they think everyone will really enjoy.

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