Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tiny Terrors and Gentle Giants January Club News

On January 17, 2010 Tiny Terrors and Gentle Giants met at the Town of Saranac Town Hall for their monthly 4 H meeting. Their was business to discuss and then fun to be had!

The 4-Hers discussed their experience at Horse Bowl and Hippology and brainstormed ways to make it a better experience. Our group did a great job this year, with Jacob placing in Hippology, Liz placing in Horse Bowl, and a 2nd place win in Team! All of the members that went said they had a great time. Some of the suggestions included keeping all the events in one building, shortening the day by adding more rooms, and having the registration line according to their 4H level. The group came up with the idea of doing a community fundraiser for the cost of the buzzers to be able to have more rooms.

We talked about the upcoming public presentations, brainstormed project ideas for fair, and discussed horse camp. In addition, Shayne presented his community service project of collecting money for the “Change Round Up” and Mindy suggested Little Ceaser's pizza fundraising; the members agreed to both ideas.

We ended the meeting with a snack and sledding. “It was fun because we went sledding!” says Shayne O'Neill.

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