Monday, March 22, 2010

4H Club in Upstate New York to host Boer Goat Seminar

The Orleans County Meat Goat Producers 4H Club is hosting their first Boer Goat seminar. The seminar will be held May 15, 2010 at their local fairgrounds in Albion, NY. Boer Goat enthusiasts will travel from all over NY, and surrounding states to attend this impressive seminar.

Anton and Roger are the presenters for this seminar. Anton of Harrells, NC owns and raises Boer Goats under the farm name, Limpopo Boer Goats in Harrells, NC. Anton was born and raised on a farm in South Africa. He moved to the USA in 1993, when the Boer Goat industry started. He is a certified judge and inspector for ABGA. Anton has judged at the ABGA National Shows.

Roger of Cherryville, NC, owns and raises Boer Goats under the farm name, RM Ranch. He is also a certified judge and inspector for ABGA. Roger has had many goats place high in their classes at the ABGA National Shows. Anyone attending this seminar will walk away with a wealth of knowledge and a participation certificate.

The seminar will include: 1) Boer Goat Slide show and Boer Goat Breed Standards2) Trimming and fitting your goat for the show ring3) Judging and Selection of Breed Stock (Live animals demo Does, Bucks & wethers)4) Hands-On Showmanship clinic5) General information, basic health issues, animal welfare. 6) Questions and answer session7) Venders8) Basket raffle9) Seminar reference program with all the listed vendors and sponsors.

This small 4H Club has been working very hard to achieve some very impressive goals. Back in 2007, the 4Hers convinced their fair board that they needed a separate judge from the Dairy Goat program, since the two types of goats are judged on different standards. Since the start of their own program, they have to raised money for their goat pens and are now working towards a small animal scale.

The 4H Club put on an Open Boer Goat show last year and it was very successful. This year they have decided to host a two-day show and they have submitted the paperwork to have the show sanctioned with ABGA. SAVE THE DATE: October 9 & 10 is the date of the two-day show. Anton has agreed to judge one of the show days and the other ABGA Judge is TBA. For more details on the seminar or the October show please email: or call Annette at 585-737-2006 or Sue 716-735-7049.

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