Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shooting Sports Program Opportunity

CCE St. Lawrence County has announced registration for their 2010 Shooting Sports Program (youth from our 4-H program are invited to participate as well if they are interested).

This program is for youth 9-19 years old and their parents. Juniors (9-11) will work with air rifles and archery and Seniors (12-19) could also use rifles and shotguns. Instruction includes firearm safety, basic marksmanship, range procedures, and maintenance of firearms. Students will also be introduced to arhery, map and compass, GPS, and basic outdoor skills.

The cost is $25 per Junior and $35 per senior. Fee includes supplies, facility use, etc.

To reserve space in the class, call 315-379-9192.

Program Schedule
April 10, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Intro to Fire Arm Safety and Rifle Range
April 15, 1-4 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Archery
April 16, 1-4 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Orienteering and Survival
April 24, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Rifle Range
May 1, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Archery and Shotgun
May 5, 6-8 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton-Guest Speaker Animal Calling
May 15, 9-12 PM Norfolk Rod and Gun Club-Archery and Shotgun
May 19, 6-8 PM Extension Learning Farm, Canton- GPS and Geo-Caching

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