Thursday, April 22, 2010

Creative Critters April News

Friday, April 9, 2010
Alexander called the meeting to order.
Jacob lead us through the Pledges.
Samantha took roll call.

~Sashes were discussed. Pins and awards were distributed for unit completion and participation. Pins were distributed for community service and public presentation.

~Our outing to ECHO on 4/10 was discussed and money for those attending was collected. Everyone needs to arrive at 10am sharp. We will be participating in a vermiculture class.

~We voted to hold a bake sale for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. We will hold this outside of Wal-Mart in the very near future.

~Small animal paperwork was distributed and completed for all members planning on showing small animals at this year's fair.

~Club t-shirts were decided upon and all members will receive 1 t-shirt paid for with club dues. Additional shirts are available for purchase, as well as sweatshirts. Money for these is due at the May 7th meeting.

~We will he holding a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss fair. There will be no dues for this meeting. A date will be scheduled and all will be notified.

Projects and Activities:
~Each member created a birthday card for the Evergreen Valley Nursing Home. These were passed around for everyone to sign.

~We started our cooking unit and our first recipes were apple cinnamon toast and hot chocolate.

~We completed a science experiment (an inflating reaction).

~All members present made a critter condo for worms.

~Everyone interested in staying after the meeting completed their project records. Remember, these should be updated after each meeting so you don't fall behind.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
7 members of the club took an outing to ECHO. We had the opportunity to attend a Vermiculture class. We learned about the body of the worm, how worms help the garden and that worms have 5 hearts! We were also given the opportunity to get a closer look at the worms by using a magnifying glass. We even got to measure them with rulers to see how long they were.

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