Friday, April 30, 2010

New Officer Position for 4-H Clubs!

Choose Health comes to 4-H Clubs! Imagine if 4-H’ers got a brief health message at every 4-H Club meeting. Imagine that one of their own members delivers that message!

Starting this fall, we’re adding the “Choose Health Officer” to our Officer Training Program for 4-H Club members. Choose Health Officer will highlight the Health-H in your club by encouraging active roll calls, challenging your members to set and reach health activity goals, and sharing health tips. They may also help your recreation leader with active games. By early fall, we’ll have Choose Health Officers’ and Leaders’ Guides to help you understand more about the role of the Choose Health Officer in your club. Let’s make our next program year the healthiest one ever!

The Choose Health Officer might do some of the following:
  • Encourage a health-focused roll call activity
  • Pose a monthly Health-H Challenge
  • Do a Challenge Check to see how members met the Health-H Challenge from the previous month
  • Offer a Health-H Tip
  • Lead a “Let’s Move” Activity (or help the Recreation Leader with games)
  • Offer healthy snack ideas

A Choose Health Officer Guide, Leader Guide, and a Family Calendar will be coming from the state office in early fall.

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