Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poultry Showmanship Clinic

The next pointed even for the Clinton County Poultry Fans will be held on 15 May 2010 from 10am-noon at the 4H Building at the Clinton County Fairgrounds. We will learn how to handle our birds for fair and the expectations for the Clinton Country Poultry Show.....what to wear, how to prepare your bird for show & what you need to bring to fair to keep your birds happy and healthy. This will be a hands on time with your birds. Bring at least one poultry to use for practice. (You are responsible for providing a way to keep them caged during the clinic).

RSVP to the 4H Office by 10 May 2010. (Darlene dbm6@cornell.edu or Alexa ask37@cornell.edu or 561-7450.)

This clinic will ALSO double as the pullorum testing day. All poultry going to Fair (except Doves, pigeons and waterfowl) must be accompanied by1) results of a negative pullorum typhoid test conducted within 90 days prior to exhibition OR 2) proof that the birds originated directly from a US pullorum-typhoid clean flock or equivalent flock.

Bring all your chickens/guinea fowl/quail (not ducks) etc that you MIGHT bring to fair that need to be tested. Remember, you can decide to not to show a bird, but you can not show a bird that does not have its certificate. The tests are provided free to the 4-H members by the NY State Department of Agriculture and Markets.

If you can't make this clinic (or you want to split your pullorum testing into two days), NY State Agriculture and Markets will also be providing free pullorum testing on:
May 21s--10am--- Northern Adirondack School in Ellenburg
June 18--5pm--- Essex County 4H
July 15th--5pm --- Franklin County Fairgrounds
July 16th-- 10am --- Essex County

You are welcome to attend any of them.

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