Monday, April 12, 2010

Tangled Reins News Report February and March 2010

In February, most club members participated in county presentations. Everyone did a great job. Congrats to everyone!

The Tangled Reins had a club meeting where we planned our March activities. We all wanted to do some hands-on work to get ready for the show season. Our leaders needed to know what we wanted to learn so we could plan our activities. So we decided that we wanted to learn more about grooming, banding and braiding, and showmanship. We also planned to do some horse-shoe crafts and divided up supply lists so we would have the right things to do our projects with.

In March the Tangled Reins 4H horse club had two meetings. The weather was finally better so we could be outside! At the first meeting, we learned about getting ready for the show ring and showmanship. The second meeting we got to have group riding and horseshoe crafts. We rode our horses even though it started to snow a lot! We couldn’t do all our crafts because of the snow causing problems with spray-painting, so we will have to do more at another meeting.

Two of our members participated in regional horse bowl and hippology competition. Congratulations to Abigail and Holly for doing well and moving on to state competitions later in the year.

Your News Reporter,

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