Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Congratulations Naomi--Be Aware of Agriculture Contest Winner!

Cows, chickens, apples, grapes, milk, maple syrup, and other products of New York State’s agricultural industry are the subjects of the forty prizewinning paintings, posters, poems, and stories submitted by elementary students across New York in the twelfth annual New York Agriculture in the Classroom “Be Aware of New York Agriculture” contest.

Nearly 425 entries were sent on to the state level, representing hundreds more from county contests, schools, and home school families. The categories for the different grade levels – Pre-K though 6 - include artwork, slogans, poems, stories, essays, and posters that help students learn about the importance of agriculture to New York. Winners in each category receive prizes ranging from T-shirts to savings bonds, and the winning entries will be displayed at the New York State Fair in the Youth Building and on the New York Agriculture in the Classroom Website.

Members of Sigma Alpha, Cornell University’s professional agriculture sorority, judged the entries. Teacher guides and student WebQuests are available at the Ag in the Classroom website to help teachers make the contest both fun and educational.

Naomi wrote an essay for the New York Agriculture Story portion of the Be Aware of Agriculture Contest. For this, she had to write an original titled fact or fictional creative story related to New York agriculture in a positive way. To read her story and see other winners, visit the NY Ag in the Classroom page.

Great job Naomi!

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