Thursday, June 17, 2010

4-H Day of Service

Dear 4-H Friends,

On behalf of the Florida 4-H State Council, and Sean Russell, Florida 4-H State Council President, I invite you to join Florida 4-H youth in a nation-wide 4-H Day of Service, Wednesday, July 28th. Information about the 4-H Day of Service is available online at This multi-state 4-H Day of Service is a part of the “A New Century of Citizenship” State Service Project--a call to action for 4-H members to start service projects that tie into the elements of the 4-H Pledge – Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. On the webpage you will find the participant resource guide, which gives participants project ideas, as well as information on how to report back their efforts in the project. You can also find flyers and promotional resources to spread the word about the 4-H Day of Service.

Participants may also connect to the day of service by RSVPing to the Facebook event. Search “A New Century of Citizenship – 4-H Day of Service” when logging into an account. From this page, they can network with other participants, promote the event, and receive exciting project news and updates!

Please share this information with 4-H staff, volunteers, and youth across the country. This youth initiative, 4-H Day of Service, exemplifies what youth learn in the 4-H program.

Marilyn and Sean

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