Monday, July 5, 2010

2010 North Country District Public Presentations Results

28 4-Hers presented at the first annual North Country District Public Presentation event. Both Junior and Senior age presenters were invited to this contest. Everyone did a great job! Below are the results. Special congratulations to Harrison, who was chosen to represent our district at the NY State competition (only seniors can be invited to the state level, though we had plenty of juniors that could do well there!).

Josiah & Adam (St Lawrence), Dramatic Interpretation
Danni-Ann (Franklin), Demonstration
Harrison (Clinton), Illustrated Talk
Emily (St Lawrence), Illustrated Talk
Connor (St Lawrence), Illustrated Talk
Keira (Franklin), Illustrated Talk
Caleb (Essex), Illustrated Talk
Lindsey (St Lawrence), Illustrated Talk
Samantha (Franklin), Demonstration
Stephanie (Essex), Speech

Mikayla (Franklin), Illustrated Talk
Sarah (Lewis), Illustrated Talk

Riley (St Lawrence), Demonstration
Carter (St Lawrence), Demonstration
Matthew (Clinton), Illustrated Talk
Liam (Clinton), Illustrated Talk
Joanne (Jefferson), Illustrated Talk
Marshall (Essex), Illustrated Talk

Hannah (St Lawrence), Demonstration
Stella (Clinton), Illustrated Talk
Anna (Jefferson), Illustrated Talk
Olivia (Jefferson), Illustrated Talk
Allyssa (Franklin), Demonstration
Jake (Lewis), Speech
Will (Franklin), Illustrated Talk
Kelsey (Franklin), Illustrated Talk
Makayla (Lewis), Demonstration
Erika (Jefferson), Illustrated Talk

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