Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another GO! Cutter Giveaway!

I am entering as many of these as I can in the hopes that I can win one of these amazing little tools.

I just entered a giveaway over at Freckled Whimsy. The contest closes Friday, August 27, so be sure get over there and put your name in!

Guess what? I finished hand quilting my very first quilt! I'm so excited!! Mind you, it's a miniature quilt, but I'm ok with that, really. I'm so proud of myself right now. This is something I've always wanted to do and never had the time or I guess the gumption to attempt. But, now it's done and I couldn't be happier with the results.

Here is a closeup of my stitching

Now, I know, the stitching isn't great and the sewing is even worse. But, in my defense, this was the very first time I had ever sewn a quilt top. Ever. So, regardless of how uneven everything is, I'm extremely proud. :)

Today's Update

I think we're going to go on a nature walk today. It's supposed to be a nice day, not too hot, but sunshiney and warm. Hubby needs to sleep too, since he worked nights last night, so that makes today a perfect day to get out and enjoy nature in all it's glory.

Of course, I'm taking my camera with me so I'll be sure to have some fantastic photo's to share with all of you tomorrow.

Tonight for supper we're having (and please, don't let the name of this dinner turn you off, this is just what we call it. I'm sure it has an actual "name" but I don't know what it is)

Boiled Chicken (gross, I know, but it tastes amazing!)

4 pieces of chicken thighs (I use the cheapest chicken I can buy)
1 onion, chopped
1 can tomatoes
1 tsp worchestershire sauce

Saute onion until tender. Add remaining  ingredients and simmer until chicken is fully cooked.

Simple, delicious and frugal too!

Have a fantastic day!

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