Monday, August 30, 2010

Community Service Opportunity: STOP Domestic Violence

Each October STOP Domestic Violence reaches out to the community to provide awareness of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We make purple ribbons to be worn or displayed at locations. Banners are hung to remind everyone of the purpose of the month. There will be a candlelight vigil held. The community service opportunity includes making ribbons to be placed on cards to be distributed. We also provide the local law enforcement officer with a candy bar that is wrapped with purple paper offering our thanks for their help and providing information about domestic violence and STOP Domestic Violence’s services. If anyone would like to assist us with the wrapping of the candy bars or making purple ribbons and putting them on the cards, please let me know. We would need them by 9/27. We supply the materials for each of the projects. Contact Sheri King, at 563-6904 extension 131 or

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