Thursday, August 12, 2010

Creative Critters July News

Samantha opened our meeting in our President's absence. Our Vice President also requested that she lead us through the Pledges.

~Birthday cards were made for the residents of Evergreen Valley Nursing Home.
~A reminder was given to be sure all projects for fair are labeled. We will meet at 10am on 7/17 at the fair building to help with clean-up and for project judging.
~We played a game of charades. All members present were divided into a group of 2 people. Each group chose something to act out. Hannah and Allie were leopards, Kylie and Tanner were a chicken eating a worm, and Samantha and Jacob were fish.
~Hannah will be leading a project at the August meeting and Allie at the September meeting.

~We discussed taking an outing. Suggestions were: Wild Center, Great Escape, Ausable Chasm, and Stone Bridges. The members present voted to go to Ausable Chasm. This trip will be planned for a Saturday in August.
~Tanner's family has grapes on their property and would like to host a club outing in September to harvest and make jelly with the grapes.

~We made Pyramid Kabobs and Fruit Salad.
~Tanner and his mom taught us how to make toilet paper roll bird feeders.

Community Service:
~There was a wonderful message in this week's speak out section of the Press. The message was sent by Shannon of the Champlain Valley K9 Search and Rescue team. This message was read to all members present.

Remember to update your project record books!

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