Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Yesterday was so much fun! The kids and I trekked off the the mall, and I do mean trekked. We live so far out in the middle of nowhere now, the nearest mall is about an hour away, following back roads until we hit the city. It's such a nice drive, too. The leaves are starting to turn just slightly and the dirt roads are becoming absolutely stunning! I can't wait until they are fully turned.

I didn't get a chance to do any sewing yesterday, being out all day. I was very glad I had supper all prepared, so when we got home, all I had to do was put it in the oven and make rice. I came home to a nice, clean house, floors all swept, dishes, done, everything in it's place and supper ready to go. Wow, did I feel accomplished! LOL!

The kids both got exactly what they wanted for their first day of school and with a relatively small amount of bickering. We even managed to get some great deals, too! My daughter got two pairs of jeans, one that was $40, the other pair $35, they were on sale 2/$45. We also found leggings for her priced one pair for $12.99 or two for $12. But the absolute best deal we got was my son's favourite jeans at Old Navy for $5. I was so shocked by the sale price, I had to ask an associate if it was right!

But, my most exciting purchase yesterday was for me. I stopped by Fabric Land, just to see what was there and to tease myself with fabrics I can't buy. But, tucked away in a corner, I found a quilting stencil which is going to help me immensely. I don't do embroidery or stitching so I really wasn't sure how I was going to actually quilt my quilt top. Now, I have a stencil! I'm so excited!!

No recipe to share today. :( We have a big lunch at my mom's every Sunday, so we all either don't eat any supper or just finish up leftovers. I have a delicious soup to post tomorrow though.

Have a fantastic day!

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