Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Muffins Were Good!

Well, the muffins turned out really well.  They weren't very big, because it didn't make up a lot of batter, so I had to make them a bit smaller than I would have liked. But, they were light and very tasty. :)

Banana Muffins

3 or 4 large banana's, mashed
1/2 cup white sugar
1 slightly beaten egg
1/3 cup melted butter
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup flour

Mix mashed banana's, sugar, egg and butter together in a bowl. Set aside. In a seperate bowl, mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add wet mixture to dry and mix well. Spoon batter into greased muffin pan and bake at 350 for approximately 20 minutes. Oven times will vary.

These bake up very nicely. I made a full dozen and before they were even cooled completely, I only had 3 left. I guess they were a hit!

Well, today is the day. It's the last day of baseball for the boy. The tournament starts this morning around 8:30, although he doesn't play until 11:30.

It's a bit bitter sweet, as it is every year. They haven't had a great season, mostly due to the fact that the coach only called 2 practices all summer long. So, the kids haven't been improving as quickly as the other teams. But they're having fun and that's really all that matters, right?

I'm always a bit sad to see this day, though, because that means that back to school is just around the corner. Unlike most parents I know, I actually love having my kids home. I really miss them when they're gone all day at school, even though I know they have to go. :)

But, today is about fun and excitement and good sportsmanship. I'm taking my camera with me, so I'll have a picture or two to share tomorrow. Hopefully one of them will be the team posing with a trophy!

Have a fantastic day and make sure to find one person to bless, even if it's just with a smile. :)

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