Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Printers Can Be So Frustrating!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I'm having printer frustrations right now. I don't know why, but it's not working. It keeps telling me that I have no colour ink, but I've just put in a new cartridge, so there's no reason for it. I'm wondering if something isn't clogged up inside, but I have idea how to fix that. I guess it will be hubby to the rescue again later today.:)

Quilting class was a lot of fun yesterday. It was quieter and more laid back this time, as we were all working on hand quilting our log cabin quilt tops we put together last week. A bit frustrating for me at first, since I've never done embroidery work, ever, but I got the hang of it fairly quickly. We go back in two weeks to finish putting it together and then I'll finally have a photo to share with all of you!

Exciting news, possibly! I've been telling hubby all about the Accuquilt Go! Cutter the last couple of days. Yesterday when I was in my new favourite quilting store, I noticed that she had one in stock. She even let me play with hers so I could see just how completely amazing this little toy actually is! I came home and gushed to hubby about it and he mentioned that maybe we'll be able to buy one as a combination Christmas/birthday present for me!! Wouldn't that be amazing??

Today's Update

I've been feeling really blech about keeping up with housecleaning and organzing lately. I don't really know why, but I'm not motivated at all to do anything. I think it's because the kids are going back to school very, very soon and I really don't want to waste what little time I have left. So, all I've been doing is staying on top of the messes we make and not really worrying too much about deep cleaning. I've decided that I'm going to continue doing that, so I can spend as much time with the family as I can. The deep cleaning will still be here waiting for me in September when I have the house to myself.

Supper tonight will be a whole chicken, so there's no recipe to share. Come back tomorrow, though, for a family favourite!

Have a fantastic day everyone!

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