Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quilting Class Was Fun!

Yesterday's quilting class was so much fun! We worked on a mini log cabin quillt which is something I've never done before. Not surprising, really since I'm just learning. LOL!

We did get the entire quilt top done, 12 squares. Next week we'll be putting it together and hand quilting the top. I'll post photo's when the whole quilt is completed. I had so much fun though. I did have some trouble at the beginning of class, which put me behind everyone else by about 20 minutes. My thread kept fraying and breaking. I couldn't figure it out and neither could the instructor. After about 15 minutes of this, she suggested switching out thread and that worked perfectly! I purchased their thread and I had no issues from that point on.

I'm not sure if the instructor liked me  or thought I really needed the practice, but she sent home a bunch of extra strips for log cabin squares. I don't think there's enough matching colours to make another mini quilt, but I can use them up to work on my 1/4 inch seam.

I also found a pattern online for a full size log cabin square that I might work on today. Either that, or  I'm going to start on the Sunbonnet Sue pattern for Christmas gifts. I'll make one up for myself to get a feel for the design, then I can make them up for everyone else.

The baby hamsters are doing so well. I can't get over just how incredibly cute they are or how fast they're growing! I swear you can almost see the growth. They're getting really chubby too, which makes them all that much cuter. I got a sweet picture yesterday for the Day 2 page of my son's album with one of the babies yawning. So sweet!

Today's Update:

There is really nothing exciting going on today at all. It's my desk day which means that I'll be writing up thank you notes and letters. Of course, there are the regular routines that need to be done. And it's Anti-Procrastination day today, so that means I need to pick one job that I've been putting off. Maybe I'll tackle my bookshelves in the den. They're a disaster!

I messed up the recipe for yesterday (sorry!) I had my days mixed up. Yesterday's dinner was actuallly taco's and tonight is Pork Chops in Soup. So, that means, no recipe for today. :(

Have a fantastic day and don't forget to smile!

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