Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tournament Day

In the end, the kids did great, better than I thought they would, actually.

They lost their first game, which wasn't really a surprise. The team they played they'd never been able to beat and ended up playing for first place. So, really, a loss to them was expected. A win would have been great, but losing to them wasn't so bad. :) This is a photo of him playing second base.

Their second game they won, and won really well. They played that game so well, in fact that they were only one run away from being able to play for first themselves! That would have been an interesting game, if they'd gone for A Champs, because our town has two teams, Tamworth 1 and Tamworth 2 (that's my son's team). So, if they had played for A's, the two Tamworth teams would have faced off. It would have been a fun game, at least, because most of the kids on both teams are good friends.

But, as fun as that would have been, it didn't happen. They were short one run, so they played for B Champs. Against my son's old team. Unfortunately, it didn't go all that well. The coaches for the other team are a bit hotheaded, so there were some issues there. A few weeks ago, those same coaches got into a yelling match with some of the parents on our side. It was quite upsetting, the coaches were swearing at the parents and yelling some very insulting things. We pulled our son off the field and were preparing to just leave, but in the end, he really wanted to stay and play, so we allowed it. They did calm down, but it was very upsetting for everyone.

Because of the history, we knew there would issues, and of course there were, but nothing as bad as what happened earlier in the season. Things went along fairly well, but it puts a stress on the kids.

He did get to pitch two innings, which was very exciting for him. He loves to pitch and he's really quite good at it too!

Unfortunately for him and for the team, a really good hitter came up to bat with the bases loaded and 4 runs came in. That was the end of the game for them and they lost the B Champs.

But, considering that all season long they only won 2 games, both of them against the only team they won against at the tournament, and they were playing the all around #1 team in the league for the season, a 6 run loss isn't all that bad. They were disappointed of course, but they had a great time and that's what mattered for this team, this season.

And they did still get medals!

It was a very long day (7 hours altogether) and I have a horrid sunburn. But the kids had fun and they were very happy, so that makes me happy to.

And as a lifelong, diehard Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I'm used to saying "There's always next year." :)

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