Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Country Fair!

This is a two part post. First, I'm so excited to remind you all of the upcoming Friday Night Sew In! Just click on the image below and it will take you to the sign up form. It's a ton of fun, and you just might win a prize for participating! This will be my second time participating. I will be working on (hopefully finishing!) the pine tree log cabin wall hanging I'm making for my inlaws.

Be sure to mark September 17 on your calendars! You don't want to miss this!

Now, on to part two. :)

Yesterday the kids and I went to a local country fair. I have to say, I love, and I mean love country fairs. There is something just so, almost wholesome about them. We went on a couple of rides, ate fresh cut homefries, homemade pies, fresh made doughnuts and played bingo. It was so much fun!

The best part, though, as it always is, was the quilt show. I need to apologize first off for the quality of some of the pictures. The lighting wasn't very good, so I had to use my flash, it was cold outside, so everyone was in the barn to get warm, so there was a lot of jostling and I couldn't get into a very good position sometimes for the shot. But, I do have some gorgeous quilts to show you!

This first set of photo's are the "showcase" quilts and wallhangings. These are what greeted you as you walked in the door.

Some gorgeous wallhangings.

And the prizewinning quilts

I really love the middle quilt in this photo of three. It's hard to see in the picture, but lady who made it, used pits and pieces of different sized scaps, sewed them together to make squares. I will definitely be trying something like this when my stash gets a bit bigger.

That shouldn't take much longer. :)

This is my favourite quilt from the show. I love, love, love the colours and the pattern. I could have stood there for hours just admiring it.

There were some beautiful wall hangings inside the barn as well

And this is my favourite photo of the day. This little hen was very curious about my camera and what the heck I was doing!

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