Thursday, September 2, 2010

Finally! Nature Walk Photo's.

I mentioned the other day that the kids and I went on a nature walk. Well, I finally got all the photo's off my camera card and reworked so I can share some of them with you. :)

Here are my two angels by the river. I have to say, I was amazed at how much they look alike in this photo. They have my apple cheeks when they smile too, much to their dismay.

Right across from where they are standing, my daughter found this piece of birch bark that looked like a face.

Then my daughter found a very sad tree that looked like it needed a hug. So...

My daughter was a little more reserved, though. LOL!

I guess the tree was sad, but not all that sad to her. :)

This is my favourite part of the walk. You have to hike up a very steep hill, then back down the other side, but then you come out into a gorgeous gully filled with ferns and trees. It's so gorgeously green. I wish I could build a house and live here.

This is the bridge you walk on to cross the gully.

The kids were getting a bit silly here. This is my son pretending to be his favourite video game character, Link.

And my daughter. We all have a little Captain in us. :)

This tree is fascinating to every child (and adult!) who walks this trail. They call it the Grandfather tree. It's incredibly old, although I can't remember how old now, and the kids all want to climb it. Those who run the conservation area won't let them though. The tree would be destroyed in no time if they let the kids climb it. So, we just enjoy looking at it every time we walk by.

After our walk in the woods, it was off to the swamp

It's a fair hike across the boardwalk

But there is lots of life to see in a swamp, turtles, frogs, geese, ducks, depending on what time of year you go. This time all we saw were turtles and frogs. Cute, though. :)

And of course a tree that looks like it's sitting down, taking a rest!

Finally, waiting for us at our car was this little fellow.

As cute as he was, there was no way I was making friends with him. It's hard to tell just how big this snapping turtle is from this photo, but lets just say a hand reached out in friendship would not come back. :)

It was a fantastic day. Everyone had a great time, there was not was heavenly. :)

We're planning on taking one last summer nature walk, but I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate for us. There is a place nearby called Hell Holes with some natural caves and a gorgeous trail through a gully carved by glaciers. It's beautiful!

Have a fantastic day!

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