Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tangled Reins News Report August 2010

August was our month to recover from the Clinton County fair.

Some of our members got new horses! Congratulations go out to
Jarod B. and his horse Autumn
Courtney L. and her horse Pippi
Abbie S. and her horse Barney

A lot of our member have been testing on new horses, or testing to higher levels of riding. Tangled Reins will be getting several new members in September. Look for them at the 4-H fun show on September 19!

Abigail and Courtney B. attended New York State fair in Syracuse. Abigail participated in the hippology competition, representing Clinton County. Their team placed 8th overall. Both Abigail and Courtney participated in hunt seat and western riding competition and placed in the top 10 in several classes.

Now, we are all getting ready for the end of the year fun show!! We are also getting excited about the new 4H year ahead.

Your News Reporter,
Courtney B.

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