Thursday, February 11, 2010

NYS 4-H Forestry Weekend

May 21 - 23, 2010 at 4-H Camp Owahta, Cortland County

Join youth from across the state for a weekend of forestry activities, fun, and competition. This three-day event is for youth aged 10 and up (and staff and volunteers) interested in learning more about forests, and to select the NYS team that will go to the 2010 National 4-H Forestry Invitational (must be 14-19 for the national event).

The Forestry weekend activities include:
• Tree identification
• Tree measurements
• Compass usage
• Map reading
• Insects and diseases
• Geocaching
• Nature games
• Night hikes and more

Cost $35 per person: includes food, materials, and cabin lodging. (A $95 value!). Registration forms will be out in the spring.

Come as a team or as an individual. The top four qualifying youth will be selected to go to the National Invitational. All youth must have an assigned chaperone.

For questions contact Rebecca Hargrave at 607-334-5841 x 16 or or Gary Goff at 607-255-2824 or

We are also looking for volunteers for the weekend!

For more information about the National Invitational July 25 – 29 (Sun. - Thurs.) in West Virginia go to:

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