Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chattering Chipmunks monthly report for January 2010

Jan 7, 2010
Ten members of the group met at Stonebeck Farm for a three hour horsebowl practice. Besides a practice hippology test and a practice team problem, the nine horse members had hands-on time with the horse and donkey, some general instruction, and a friendly horsebowl practice competition. In-between, there was time for sledding on the big hill, popcorn, and hot chocolate.

Harrison Kyle who is working on an independent computer project, worked on the groups new website and converted all the group project record books from word processing format to PDF format.

Jan 9, 2010
Twelve members participated in County Horse Bowl and Hippology: 4 Cloverbuds, 4 Novice, and 4 Jrs. Congratulations to 3 team members of the JR team on making the Regional teams: Mikayla Kyle, Emma Spronk, and Pascal Spronk. Everyone is excited for next year!

Jan 14, 2010
For the first meeting of the new year, we started with an hour of "infomercials" explaining Small Animal Projects and Presentation Day. All members chose the animals they wished to show at fair. We learned we could be a Cat Club or a Sheep Flock, with quite a few kids wanting to show cats and sheep. Other popular animals were rabbits and chickens. Although many are involved in the horse project, only a few plan to show the horse or donkey at fair. The first set of presentation handouts were passed-out. After listening to the 4H leader ramble on for 1 hour, the JRs and the Cloverbuds broke into groups. The Cloverbuds and younger siblings played some group games in large foyer and then returned to the meeting room to make stained glass windows. The JRS made wooden ornaments with painted silhouettes of Adirondack themes. Animal tracks were a popular choice to paint on the birch bark rounds. Ben got the award for 50 minutes of sustained sanding. Everyone took his/her ornaments home to varnish.

Jan 21, 2010
The group met to make paper. Everyone brought in scrap paper of various kinds plus other additives like laundry dryer lint, glitter, pre-soaked birch bark and cardboard. In teams of 2 (a JR and a Cloverbud), we made paper of all colors and shapes. Two of the girls made shaped papers--owls, cats, and trees--while others made pretty purple sheets with glitter and pressed flowers. The boys opted for brown and gray papers. After making 2 or 3 pieces, everyone played with tempera colored shaving cream (a fun mess). A few members experimented with marbleizing paper using fabric starch and tempura paint. We had the first practice of the group choir. We decided to move the practice to before the meeting rather than after it. The next packet of handouts for presentations were handed out.

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