Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be Aware of New York Agriculture Contest

New York Ag in the Classroom, New York Farm Bureau and the New York Farm Bureau Foundation for Agricultural Education are co-sponsoring the “Be Aware of New York Agriculture” Contest for ALL pre-school through 6th grade aged students in New York State.

The “Be Aware of NY Agriculture” Contest exposes students to agriculture and the food system and meets the New York State Learning Standards for classroom curriculum. Teachers can integrate the Contest into their lesson plans and know that they are following State Standards. It is a perfect opportunity for the teacher and you to help students learn more about agriculture while they are doing something that interest them. Pre-school through 3rd grade students produce art projects, while 4th and 5th graders write poems and essays. 6th graders make full-size posters with an agricultural theme.

The contest is divided by grade level categories and statewide winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mentions) are selected for each grade level. State first place winners receive a $50 U.S. Savings Bond. First, second and third place winners receive a T-shirt and all winners plus honorable mention receive a Certificate of Recognition. First place schools and classes also receive awards! All statewide winning entries will be exhibited in the Youth Building at the New York State Fair in August. Entries must be received by April 16, 2010 for state level, and local contests (via Farm Bureau/Extension) will be an earlier deadline.

Materials are available at that include contest information and entry forms.

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