Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tangled Reins News Report January 2010

In January the Tangled Reins did a lot. We went to Horse Bowl and Hippology at Miner Institute. All Tangled Reins people did an awesome job. Tangled Reins team 1 (Abigail Bosley, Christopher Kokes, Courtney Bosley) placed 1st in both junior horse bowl and hippology. Tangled Reins Team 2 (Adie Steinfeld, Courtney LeVenture, Holly Waldenmaier) placed 3rd for horse bowl.

A few of our members placed in the top 10 individual rankings too. They were

Horse Bowl: Christopher Kokes - 2nd
Abigail Bosley - 5th
Holly Waldenmaier - 9th

Hippology : Abigail Bosley - 1st
Adie Steinfeld - 7th
Christopher Kokes - 8th

Abigail, Christopher, and Holly are going to regional competition in Westport.

Good job everyone!

We had a meeting this month where we talked about upcoming public presentations and topics. We also started planning our stall decorations for fair. We talked about our upcoming fundraiser in February - Little Caesars pizza kits

Your News Reporter,Courtney Bosley

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