Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chattering Chipmunks February News

February was presentation month for the Chattering Chipmunks.

On February 11, we met to practice skills needed for public presentations. We played a variety of games starting with a story telling game to help us get comfortable with talking in front of others.

Many of the games came from the 4H Communications book. For the second portion of the meeting, the Cloverbuds learned to make peanut butter cookies and made Valentines day cards while the Jrs learned the process of running a business meeting. Our web-master debuted our new group site to keep us all updated and in-touch. We voted on what the third elective would be for March- despite heavy campaigning from the electricity crowd, woodworking won an overwhelming majority.

All of the poultry and rabbit project members participated in the Small Animal clinic on Sat 13th, earning their 1 point needed to show their poultry and rabbits at fair.

On Thursday the 18th we returned for a practice session for presentations. Liz Blaise came and listened and provided a critique of each presentation to help us improve. We planned to have her just watch the Jrs but it worked out for all the members who were ready to present to share. We all learned the importance of the military presentation- tell them what you will tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them and don't forget to say where you got your information at the end! She explained the importance of large pictures and neat large writing on the posters. We all learned a lot.

On the 27th of Feb, 21 of our 23 home-school members presented at presentation day. They all did a wonderful job. We thank the judges for all their wonderful comments and recommendations for improvement in the future.

Our choir continued to meet before the regular meeting. We hope to be ready to sing at fair.

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