Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Creative Critters March News

Creative Critters meeting was held on March 5 with 9 members present. Also present was a potential new member, Tanner. We discussed the National 4-H week plans with Tractor Supply. The members signed up for 2 hour shifts to help bag customers orders and sell 4-H clovers while talking about 4-H. We also attempted soft stone carving. The members learned that not everything will go as planned and that sometimes things do not work. It was a great learning experience for us all. We also made bubble painted papers. Our group voted that our next outing will be at ECHO. Everyone who went last year had a fantastic time. Our next unit will be about cooking. On March 13 we will be going to Walmart to turn in the money that we raised for the Big Change Round Up to benefit the Vermont Childrens Hospital. We do not have an exact number yet but so far we have collected over $700 for this cause. Good job done by all.

This entry was done by Samantha with help from Terri (mom).

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