Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dressage Clinic

There will be a Dressage Clinic at Sue's farm in Mooers, New York (call the office for directions if you need them) on April 17. The day's events start at 9 AM with a demonstration by Marty Stratton who will show a musical kur, the different gaits and dressage maneuvers. Then there will be a question/answer session. After the demonstration portion, interested 4-Hers will be able to take a 30 minute lesson with Marty (on their own horse that they have been evaluated on). Riders need to bring their horse's health paperwork to this clinic (rabies and coggins).

Western riders are welcome to participate in the lessons too.

Registration is due by April 9th--please call or contact the Extension Office to register.

To earn a point, 4-Hers need to participate in the opening demonstration and watch or ride in at least one of the lessons.

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