Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Opportunity for Dog Obedience Training: Clinton County Canine Club Partnership

The Clinton County Canine Club has generously agreed to allow Clinton County 4-Hers to participate in their classes at a reduced rate. The first class a 4-Her takes with the club will cost $30—club is discounting price to $45 and we have a small fund to cover a $15 scholarship (Classes are then half price!!). This scholarship is only for the first class--after that, 4-Hers would be eligible to join the Canine Club and would then pay only $20 a class if they choose to join.

A class is a multi-session event. For example, beginning obedience classes include 8-9 meetings once a week. One fee ($30 for the first class) would cover all 8-9 meetings of the class.

Show Handling, Puppy, and Basic Obedience classes open to all. More advanced classes need prior experience and approval of instructor.

Spring classes are tentatively set to begin April 12 and run for 8 weeks. The final schedule and registration information is on their website. Please also contact the Extension Office if you are registering for a class so we can send in our portion of the scholarship money.

Completion of one of these classes would count as a point for the 4-H Dog Project.

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