Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ready Riders March News

March 7th some of our members attended the showmanship class at Daphne Wright’s.

March 4th we had a business meeting to discuss upcoming field trips. We discussed ways to raise money for the panel in the horse barn and community service plans. After the meeting we worked on craft projects.

February 25th our club met at Donna Gomez’s house to give our presentations to the elderly ladies that live there. While one of us gave our presentation upstairs the rest of us were having a jewelry making lesson from Donna. We had a lot of fun, the ladies enjoyed our company, and we’d like to go again.

February 22nd we did club presentations it was very helpful for us to get some practice in.

February 5th was our monthly business meeting. We watched a public presentations video and finished our ear warmers for our helmets.

By Isabelle, club reporter

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