Wednesday, March 17, 2010

NYS 4-H Horse Program In-service

DATE: May 25, 2010 – Tuesday
TIME: 8:30 AM – Registration
PLACE: Morrison Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
FEE: $20 per person (Breaks and Lunch will be provided), Parking Permit (an additional $8)

8:30 AM Registration

9:00 Opening Remarks – Jeannie Griffiths, Extension Horse Specialist, Cornell University

9:15 Welcome to the Department of Animal Science! - Dr. Larry Chase, Department Extension Leader, Cornell University

9:30-10:15 “Quadrille – Something New! – What is it?” Denise Parrotte - NYS 4-H Horse Program Drill and Parade Chair

10:45-11:15 “Horse Guts and Math” Jean Griffiths

11:15-12:00 “Playing with Horse Guts and Math” Jean Griffiths

12:00-1:00 LUNCH – “Munch and Mingle Time!”

1:00-1:45 “Share Time” - CCE Educators, staff, volunteers, leaders, and teen leaders are
all encouraged to bring an idea, a project, a program or something that you think would be
of interesting and you would like to share with the whole group. Bring items for a
“Show and Tell” concept - make copies to be handed out if appropriate. Please keep presentations to 2-3 minutes, due to time limitations. You will have time to give the basic
idea – people can search you out later for additional information if they wish to.

1:45-2:30 “Quadrille on foot” – See what Quadrille is supposed to look like. Denise Parrotte

2:45-3:30 “Learning to Ride Patterns…One step at a Time” – Spike Holmes, retired faculty member from Morrisville State College, Delphi, N.Y.

3:30-4:15 “Putting it All Together” – Spike Holmes

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