Friday, April 30, 2010

Garden Sprouts News

In March the garden sprouts learned about seeds. How seeds are self contained with enough food energy to carry them through dormancy and their first days as seedlings. We discussed temperature, light and water requirements to break dormancy. We then made newspaper pots and started pumpkin seeds. We learned how to plant a peony. We learned the difference between herbaceous vs. woody plants. We then made seed tapes.

In April the garden sprouts played a fun game, How long will your garbage last.
We guessed how long it would take paper ,glass, cans, etc. to break down. They were very surprised at many items. For our community service project we then held a green up day and talked about the different trash found on side of the road. We all agreed that no one in our group would ever throw litter out of a car window! While the children had snack after that we talked about ways we all could conserve at home.

Our next meeting will be at Carla’s greenhouse to learn how a greenhouse is run and to plant a pizza bucket garden.

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