Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Creative Critters May News

Alexander called the meeting to order.
Jacob lead us through the Pledges.
Samantha took roll call.

~Art projects were collected from those wishing to display their artwork/projects at the Dodge Library.
~Money for the club t-shirts/sweatshirts was collected.
~We will he holding a meeting on May 28th at 6pm to continue our preparations for fair.
~Fair building clean-up is on May 14th at 4pm.
~Project record books you have been keeping for your fair project animals are due in the 4H office by July 1st.
~A 2 liter bottle will be needed at our June meeting.

Projects and Activities:
~Each member created a birthday card for the Evergreen Valley Nursing Home. These were passed around for everyone to sign.
~We prepared cheese quesadillas and confetti slaw. Smooties were made for the kids to try.
~We played the games Name 3! and Hunt the Peanut. These were enjoyed by all the members.

Upcoming Community Service:
~Our bake sale for 5/16 from 11-3 outside of Wal-Mart was discussed.
~Sunday, June 6th we will be giving the Dairy Bar a fresh coat of paint.

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