Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Creative Critters June News

The Creative Critters held their monthly meeting on Friday, June 4th.

Alexander opened our meeting.
Jacob lead us through the pledges.
Allie lead us through a 4H song.
In Samantha's absence, Carrie took attendance.

~Birthday cards were made for the residents of Evergreen Valley Nursing Home.
~Paperwork to accompany our current unit was distributed for use at a later date.
~Fair paperwork was collect from those members who had it finished. Reminder, it is due by 7/1, NO EXCEPTIONS.
~Jacob lead the members through a game of Simon Says.
~Tanner volunteered to lead an activity at our July meeting. Hannah for the August meeting and Allie for the September meeting.

~Hannah suggested that we take an outing to Rulf's Orchard to pick berries. All present in agreement.
~Tanner's family has grapes on their property and would like to host a club outing in September to harvest and make jelly with the grapes.

~Each member helped make oven fries by using a mandolin, with help, to cut the potatoes into the shape of french fries.
~Each member made a cup of homemade lemonade.
~Members were divided into groups of 2 and everyone had to work with someone they have never worked with before. We did the experiment “A Juicy Squeeze”. Please remember to document your results.
~Each member brought a 2 liter bottle to the meeting and we made a “Garden in a Bottle” project.

Community Service:
~We will be painting the 4H Dairy Bar on Sunday, June 6th from 9am - ?. Each member is asked to bring a few dollars to contribute to the ordering of pizza for lunch.
-A vote was taken to reimburse Carrie for the paint supplies for this community service. All present were in favor of doing so. The cost for the paint supplies was approximately $50.

Community Service Update:
The Creative Critters painted the 4-H Dairy Bar on Sunday, June 6th. It was a great day to do so as it rained very hard! We had a great time giving the Dairy Bar a fresh coat of paint and a fresh look. The kids did a wonderful job painting. They also had some free time in between the paint drying to do some bonding. We even enjoyed pizza for lunch! The parents were also a huge help. Thank you to the parents that braved getting up on the ladders to paint the top of the Dairy Bar!

Submitted by Carrie, Club Leader

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