Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tangled Reins News Report April and May 2010

In April, some of the Tangled Reins 4H club members went to a dressage clinic at Sue Chagnon’s barn. Also, the club had two hands-on riding meetings. At the riding meetings we did group riding to get ready for horse camp, and also learned about grooming for shows. When we weren’t riding, we worked on crafts with horseshoes. We made either wind chimes or picture frames out of old horse shoes. Thank you to Rick Banker and Heather Huchro for giving us some of their old used shoes for these projects.

In May, all club members went to Horse Camp. It was a lot of fun! At camp there were minis, ponies, and horses. The weather was great and we learned a lot from our instructors. There was also a Standardbred clinic that was very interesting because Kathy Kokes shows us what a pace is (a pace is when the horse’s legs on the same side move together).

Now, we are all getting ready for the Clinton County Fair!

Your News Reporter,

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