Friday, August 13, 2010

As Promised....

Well, as promised yesterday, here are the photo's of the quilted hearts I've made so far. Keep in mind that I'm still learning, ok? :P

Here is the one I did in class

Obviously, it's a little lopsided. I didn't get the ribbon on quite right. :)

And here is the one I made up yesterday

I much prefer the colour combination in this one and I'm really happy with the contrast of the stitching over the first one. I did mess up the hand sewing along the side a bit, but other than that, I'm very pleased with the results of this one. I just need a bit of ribbon and it will be all done.

I'm planning on making up a bunch of these for throw in Christmas gifts. I'm going to fill them with potpourri, I think. I like the idea of having little things like that that I can add to gifts, or have on hand for a last minute Oh my goodness I forgot someone! gifts. :)

Right now, I have a new banana muffin recipe in the oven. I'm not sure how it will turn out, it was very thick. If nothing else, it should have a fantastic banana flavouring. If it works, I'll share the recipe tomorrow. If not, I'll try a different one and let you know how it turns out.

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