Friday, August 13, 2010

Battle of Plattsburgh

The Battle of Plattsburgh has invited us (4H) to participate in the Battle of Plattsburgh Parade. They would especially love us to participate in three areas: 1) Plucky Rooster Contest, 2) Live Rooster Display, and 3) Parade Participants.

1) The Plucky Rooster Contest: They would love us to participate in their contest where participants either dress up as a rooster OR build a three foot tall or taller rooster out of any materials available. Last year they had 11 rooster entrants. They would love more entrants this year. The roosters are displayed at the park downtown and visitors to the event get to vote for the winning rooster. Each vote costs a dollar and the money raised goes to help offset the cost of the event. There is a legend that it was a rooster that helped the Americans win the Battle of Plattsburgh: "A cannon ball from the British vessel smashed into a coop on the American Ship Saratoga. A rooster flew out, landed on the cannon and crowed lustily. The American soldiers had been disheartened (40 of the crew members had been killed), but when the rooster crowed, the soldier's spirits were lifted. The Americans went on to win the battle that day."

RULES: choose either 1) costume contest: Be a Plucky Rooster or 2) 3-d model contest: Build a Plucky Rooster.-Contests are FREE to enter and open to anyone in the community. You can enter as a single participant OR as a group. -All entry forms MUST be submitted by 6 September 2010-All Plucky Roosters, both costume and 3-D models MUST have a name-Rooster models must be 3 feet tall (excluding height of the stand), must stand alone, and can be made of any material-All 3D models must be in place in Trinity Park by 9am on Sat 11 Sept and removed by 4pm.-Rooster costumes should be HANDMADE using any materials and can be any size. All costume entries must be worn by an individual at Trinity Park from 9am-11am on Sept 11. Costumed participants will be invited to march in the parade. -All judging will take place at 11am and prizes awarded at that time. Contact the office or Melissa for entry forms and example pictures.

2) LIVE Rooster display. Do you have a rooster that you love and are willing to share that rooster with the public? Concurrent with the 3D rooster display will be a live rooster display. The event would be interested in having some live roosters on display from 9-1+pm. The roosters would need to be in their own cages and have appropriate water and food. During the parade (1-3 time frame), the roosters and their owners would ride on a "live rooster" float. While the roosters are on display at Trinity Park, we would be required to have an adult present at all times to ensure the rooster safety. Kathleen Scarborough and the Adirondack Critters are going to be the points of contact for the live rooster parade float. Kathleen has acquired a vehicle for us to use. She can be reached at:

3) Parade Participants: The third opportunity is for 4H members to march in the parade. The theme of the parade this year is "Volunteers from the Past." The organizer will be borrowing period costumes for our 4Hers to wear. She has some "special"people she would like us to represent. Costumes will be provided to anyone who registers by mid August. Please email Melissa Sayward by 15 August so I can pass the info to the organizer. You can still decided to participate later but we can not guarantee a costume for you.

Please email/call Melissa Sayward with additional questions: 518-643-8530

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