Friday, August 13, 2010

Tangled Reins News Reports June and July

June 2010
In June, the Tangled Reins 4H club was busy. First, we did tie-dye shirts and had a pizza party. We also prepared for fair. We filled out paperwork, rode a lot, and worked on final static exhibit stuff. There was also a parent meeting where parents talked about the static exhibit cards and fair paperwork and how to fill it all out.

July 2010
In July, we went to fair! We were all very, very busy. Everyone did well with their static exhibits and riding classes. There were many ribbons and trophies awarded to our members. With all our hard work and planning, we won the stall decorating award for our stall beach theme! Congratulations to Abbie S. for winning the Sportsmanship Award. Congratulations also to Abigail B. and Courtney B. for qualifying for state fair riding in hunt seat and western divisions. Great job everyone!

Your News Reporter, Courtney

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