Thursday, August 19, 2010

Creative Critters August News

Alexander opened our meeting.
Jacob lead us through the Pledges.
Samantha took roll call.

~Hannah taught us how to make a dog birthday card for the residents of Evergreen Valley
Nursing Home.
~A reminder was given that all outstanding club dues, including September's, are due at our
September meeting since this is our final meeting for this 4-H year.
~Elections were discussed and each member picked 2 of the 10 positions they would like to
run for. If you were not present for the meeting, please call me to discuss the positions you
would like to run for prior to the end of this month.
~Allie will be leading a project for the month of September. Samantha in November, Jacob in
December, John in January, Brian in February, and Kylie in March. All members are
encouraged to lead a project. Please let me know which month you would like.
~Thank you to Tanner's dad, Shandy, for helping us obtain a $250 grant from Wal-Mart! This
will help us out with paying for club outings and meeting materials and supplies.

Members admissions will be paid for with club dues. Anyone else must pay their own
~Martin's Fish Preserve – $5 per person. Sunday, August 15th at 10am. Please pack a bag
~Tanner's family has grapes on their property and would like to host a club outing in
September to harvest and make jelly with the grapes.
~Ausable Chasm – Please bring your admission of $15 per person. Sunday, August 22nd
at 10am. We will be having our club picnic. Please call me with what you can
~Stone House Vineyard – Sunday, September 12th at 10am. Please pack a bag lunch.
~Hannaford – Saturday, September 25th at 9am. Please bring your cooking unit and a pencil.

~We made oatmeal raisin cookies.
~Hannah taught us how to make pet rocks.
~We did a taste test experiment (store brand vs. brand name), we did a Raisin Dance

~Complete the Calcium Coated Egg experiment.
~Complete the Investigate a Food Career section.
~If you haven't done so already, complete a Celery Crunch activity in your workbook, and
Moving In and Out.
~Reminder: All assigned activities need to be completed by October 1st.

Community Service:
~Please have some ideas to share at our next meeting. This community service will be for
the month of November.
Remember to update your project record books!

Next meetings:
September 10th at 6pm
October 1st 6pm. Please bring your binders and any materials you plan on including in
them. This meeting is only for binder and achievement night preparations.

On Sunday, August 15th the Creative Critters took a club outing to Martin's Fish Preserve. The members in attendance were: Samantha, Jacob, Alexander, Hannah, John, Brian and Savanna. The kids all had a wonderful time and multiple fish were caught and released.

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