Thursday, August 19, 2010


As you know, if you've been reading this blog, I recently started learning how to quilt. I've taken a couple of classes and am working on things myself here at home.

Yesterday I decided, just for fun to put an ad on for free fabric, if anyone had any they wanted to get rid of. I really didn't expect anyone to respond, so I was very excited when I got an email about an hour after posting. Another hour after  that I got another email from another lady with fabric to spare.

I emailed back and forth with the second lady a bit last night and called her this morning to set up a time to swing by to pick up the fabric.

I came home with two garbage bags filled with scraps as well as at least 5 or 6 yards of uncut fabric! I couldn't believe it when I got to her house and saw the first bag filled and ready to go. When she said, here hold this bag and started filling it with even more, I darn near fell over!
Not all of it is usable, but that's ok, the vast majority of it is and I am over the moon excited and thankful! This 10 minute trip I took today will keep me in scraps  for patchwork quilts for a very, very long time!

Right now, I'm working on a 9 patch quilt pattern that I found in a book I bought years ago the first time I thought I'd try this quilting thing. I have 4 strips to finish sewing together, then those strips will be cut into about 500 smaller strips which will then be sewn together into 3 inch squares to make the quilt. It's a great way to practice my 1/4 inch stitch and use up some fabric I had here. The nice thing about this sort of quilt is that nothing has to match if you don't want it to. I have a feeling I'll be using this pattern again for more practice and to use up the scraps I got today!

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