Thursday, September 16, 2010

Busy, Busy!

What a week! I've been so busy. Crazy busy, one might say.

Ok, well, for most people, it's not all that much, but for me, since I stay home most of the time, it's been busy. :)

I now have two boys that I'm babysitting three days a week. Tuesdays and Friday's I have them at 6 am until the bus comes to pick them up for school, then after school until around 8 ish. Wednesdays, just after school. Not a lot of time, really, but it's thrown a wrench into things here. We'll get used to it, get a new routine down soon. Just until then, things are a bit screwy.

I've been so busy that I haven't even had a chance to work on Christmas presents. I still have everything on my list that needs to be done, I haven't even started on the quilts for the kids and October is starting to rear it's head. I really need to get busy otherwise there is no way that I'll be done anything, much less everything, in time.

My stress level is rising!

So, today, I'm going out for a nice relaxing lunch with my mom at our favourite restaurant. It's going to be so nice! A chance to sit down without children, without pets, eat food someone else cooked. It's going to be heavenly! LOL!

Have a fantastic day everyone! I know I will. :)

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