Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Creative Critters September News

Alexander opened our meeting.
Jacob lead us through the Pledges.
Samantha took roll call.
Allie lead us through a 4-H song.

~All outstanding dues were collected.

~Elections were held and here are the results:
President – Allie Photographers – Tanner & Alexander
Vice President – Brian Health Leaders – Samantha & Jacob
Secretary/Reporter – Kylie Meeting Superintendent - John
Treasurer – Savanna Song Leader - Hannah

~Samantha will be leading an activity in November, Jacob in December, John in January,
Brian in February, Kylie in March, Alexander in April. All members are encouraged to lead a
project. Please let me know which month you would like.

~Binders and our next topic area were distributed.

~1 member, Alexander, will be moving up as a Junior.

~Tanner's family has grapes on their property and would like to host a club outing in
September to harvest and make jelly with the grapes.

~Stone House Vineyard – Sunday, September 12th at 10am. Please pack a bag lunch.

~Hannaford – Saturday, September 25th at 9am. Please bring your cooking unit and a pencil.

~We made english muffin pizzas.

~Hannah taught us how to make insect houses using large plastic coffee containers, screen
and hot glue.

~We created a food pyramid using labels we have been saving from foods we eat.

~We made birthday cards for Evergreen Valley Nursing home residents.

~Please have all outstanding assigned work completed by October 1st.

Community Service:
~Please have some ideas to share at our next meeting. This community service will be for
the month of November.

Next meetings:
October 1st 6pm. Please bring your binders and any materials you plan on including in
them. This meeting is only for binder and achievement night preparations. Please
bring a pencil.

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